Unwind Retreat has run since 2012. It is organised by Morag McKenzie of Vintage Purls. Unwind was an annual event from 2012 – 2020. Unwind returned in 2024 and is now a biennial event. The next Unwind is in March 2026.
Email: info@unwindretreat.co.nz
Phone: 021 126 5587

What is Unwind Retreat?
Unwind is a multi-day event to celebrate fibre craft.
Community is the strongest focus, Unwind is an opportunity to get together with people similarly inspired by knitting, spinning, crochet, and other fibre crafts. We celebrate our passion with classes, talks, shopping, gatherings and practice.
When is Unwind Retreat?
The exact dates for any particular year are available on the home page. Unwind always runs in March.
What is the ethos behind Unwind?
Unwind’s focus has always been about nurturing the fibre community. Though we have strong online communities within fibrecraft, nothing compares to meeting in person to celebrate, inspire, educate and appreciate our passion with others.
Venue accessibility
Unwind takes place at the Dunedin Centre.
- The Unwind venue has a level entrance and people with mobility issues can be dropped off right outside the main door.
- There is lift access to every floor of the venue used by Unwind.
- The Trade Hall is laid out to ensure that there are generous pathways. We will remind delegates to keep bags and other personal items in sensible places so as not to disrupt access.
- The Unwind toilet facilities have a larger stall for those who benefit from more space and facilities that are mounted lower.
- Those with special dietary requirements are permitted to bring food suitable to their needs into the venue. We will seek information about dietary needs from our delegates and this information is provided to the in-house cafe staff. We cannot guarantee that food safe for you to eat will be available to buy in the venue, but there is a wide variety of places to eat outside (and very close) to the venue. If you are able to navigate eating out normally, then you should be able to find suitable options near the venue throughout Unwind.
- It is my sincere wish that people with mobility considerations can navigate Unwind easily without needing to make special arrangements. If you are at all concerned about this though, I encourage you to contact me before Unwind and I can ensure that we can meet your personal needs.
Do you have a code of conduct?
Absolutely. It’s imperative that Unwind be a comfortable space for all participants. We require all delegates, teachers and traders to agree to our Code of Conduct.
Unwind is not a place for hate and bigotry. Trans women are women, trans men are men. If you are uncomfortable with people from the LGBTQIA+ community then it’s not the event for you.
How do I stay up to date with Unwind news?
Join the Unwind mailing list below.