Health & Wellbeing

  • Unwind’s venue, the Dunedin Centre, has an HVAC system that runs off fresh air supply, so the air is cycled.
  • Our three hour workshops are held in a room that joins the terrace and, weather permitting, has excellent ventilation. One whole wall can be opened to allow significant fresh air flow.
  • Masking is supported. If you want to mask, please do.
  • The venue is adjacent to the Octagon, which has seating and green space so, should you wish to take a break from an indoors environment and enjoy some outdoor sitting and knitting with some friends, this is easily achieved. Multiple eateries in the Octagon have outside table space if you wish to enjoy a meal in the fresh air.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available throughout the venue. 
The Terrace Lounge, venue for our 3 hour workshops.
The Terrace Lounge, venue for our 3 hour workshops. This opens onto a long terrace.

All participants of Unwind are encouraged to be mindful of their health and that of others. you can help us all stay well by:

  • Taking an influenza rapid antigen test before you come to Unwind.
  • Staying away if you are unwell (it doesn’t matter what is making you unwell, please keep your germs to yourself).
  • If you just feel a little off but don’t really have any appreciable symptoms, consider wearing a mask. Exercising caution is a kindness.

If you are travelling to Unwind you may also wish to consider some travel insurance. Domestic policies are pretty cheap and will help you recover costs if you get sick while you are away from home or if you get sick when you are due to travel .

Quiet Space

Not all of us do well in large noisy gatherings. Some of us want to participate and enjoy it in small doses but can get overwhelmed. Unwind will have a Quiet Zone where you can sit and recharge your social battery for a bit if need be. It’s a open, windowed space where we encourage low-noise and time out.

If you benefit from stepping out of the heart of the activity and are at all concerned about what facilities are available to help make Unwind a fun event for you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and ask any questions you may have.

Prior to the event, all delegates will be sent comprehensive floor plans showing where all the relevant areas of Unwind are. You’ll be fully informed with a document you can save on your phone (or print) so that you can come with a good sense of what you will encounter. If any particular things are making you anxious, please consider getting in touch to discuss it. I’d love to help make things easier for you.

The Fullwood Foyer: Unwind’s Quiet Zone.
Fullwood Foyer Window view of St paul's Cathedral.
A Fullwood Foyer window.

Looking for accessibility information? You’ll find that on the About page.